latest 4 messages by Magus`

+ [2014-07-03T23:48:31Z] Magus` I can make the lib manually, but the gem install refuses to find it...
+ [2014-07-03T23:48:19Z] Magus` it sounds like the problem is missing libffi-devel, but I installed that as well as the system libffi
+ [2014-07-03T23:48:05Z] Magus` /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ffi-1.9.3/ext/ffi_c/libffi/configure: line 550: 0: Bad file descriptor
+ [2014-07-03T23:48:00Z] Magus` long shot; I'm not actually installing jekyll, but I'm installing something else that uses ffi, and I've seen references to this issue in jekyll's issues log and chat channels and such...